Saturday, December 16, 2006


GM Benefredo "Bebing" Lobrido doing a solo UNO and DOS strokes. These strokes are the only two basic strokes of the Original Filipino Tapado. Students will have to undergo this training before moving forward to the higher forms (linyada)

GM Bebing Lobrido and Master Elmer V. Montoyo demonstrating the UNO and DOS strokes with partner. Students will also undergo this kind of training we call sparring before moving up to the higher forms (linyada)

GM Bebing Lobrido in sleevless t shirt performing a linyada/technique while Master Nelson Carmona receiving the technique. In the original tapado practice one acts as a teacher (the feeder) and the other acts as the student (the striker). In the picture GM Bebing acting as student/striker doing a higher form/linyada. One cannot proceed to this technique unless he finishes the basic requirements as being performed below by GM Bebing Lobrido and his brother, Master Clodualdo "Budoy" Lobrido.

The basic uno and dos strikes are the first requirements of the tapado student. Here in the farm of the Lobridos in Taloc, Bago City, Negros Occidental, it is being performed by Master Clodualdo "Budoy" Lobrido, in sleeveless t shirt, while GM Bebing Lobrido is feeding his brother. The feeder will perform the basic strikes of arnis. Sometimes, the twelve strikes.

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