Saturday, May 31, 2008

GM Benefredo Bebing Lobrido, 1st Generation Inheritor of Original Filipino Tapado

“ The grandmaster is very generous of his knowledge.We can see that he is not that big. His knowledge of the stick is made to overcome larger opponents. I am a lot taller than GM (Benefredo) bebing (Lobrido), I thought that after learning the basics and increasing my strength I can overpower him but his technique and his "resto" still prevails.He can teach one to overcome a larger opponent.”(Raymund Antonio Maguad, MD , Health Officer of the Municipality of Murcia)

Dr. Raymund Maguad,MD (white shirt with sleeve)and GM Bebing Lobrido (white sleeveless shirt) GM Bebing is giving Dr. Maguad some tips on the higher linyada of Original Filipino Tapado.)

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